Filtration Dampness

Experts in claiming dampness due to filtration in dwellings
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This type of moisture (seepage moisture) occurs as a result of the penetration of water from the outside into the interior; When they are due to breaks in water pipes, poor water drainage in windows and doors, bad drainage, problems with the drain, leaks due to rain, poor sealing of a pipe joint, etc.

Occasionally, a one-off defect can have a costly solution; This is the case, for example, with poorly executed waterproofing membranes; A defectively executed sheeting during construction will, in the long run, lead to leakage problems; Depending on the surface under which it is projected, its replacement may be more or less laborious, with the consequent economic cost that this entails;

Responsibilities for leaks in buildings

In the market you can find many and varied methods to eliminate this dampness without the need for building work: chemical treatments, hygroconvectors, electro osmosis, electrical barriers, electro-magnetism, dehumidifiers, special resins, etc…etc… but we advise you that before resorting to these solutions and assuming these damages as your own, with the owner having to pay the costs of these treatments, to return the building to the correct state, you should first consider how it has reached this point and whose responsibility it is;

The first starting point is to know the age of the property; As a general rule, if the property was purchased less than 5 years ago, you will have a free hand to claim for this type of defects (sometimes this period is reduced to 3 years, depending on who is responsible for them); In any case, there is no harm in taking good advice before making a decision;


How is the process for claiming leakage damage

The first thing, as we say, is to commission an expert report from a specialist in the field, who knows about building pathologies and can determine the cause or origin of these leaks; In addition, an appropriate repair proposal should be made, in order to act on the origin of these leaks to repair them properly, valuing the repair economically; Once this expert opinion has been completed, a lawsuit can be filed, in which a lawyer specialising in construction law can sue those responsible for the leaks within the legal time limit;



Prior to going to court, and on the basis of the expert’s report, the responsible parties may be formally required to respond to these leaks within a short period of time, either by repairing them in the manner and form indicated by our pathology experts, with the appropriate repair method to ensure that these dampnesses do not reappear, or alternatively, to compensate them with the amount budgeted by the experts; Once this route has been exhausted, it will be necessary to sue in court, normally opting for the second option for compensation;



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Headquarters: Paseo de la Castellana 91, 4º-1
CP 28046, Madrid