Foundation Problems

Claiming foundation problems in dwellings
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The foundations of dwellings can present certain problems, due to the projected foundation itself not being adequate, due to the nature of the land where it is located, due to a change in this nature due to an external agent, due to the foundation not having reached the desired firmness, due to a modification of loads, etc. Any of them is dangerous;

Reclaiming foundation problems


Once you have detected that there is a foundation problem in your property, it is important that a specialist foundation surveyor checks the condition of the foundations; It may require underpinning, resin injection, micropiling, or any other method to prevent the condition of the foundation and the building it supports from worsening;

Once the condition of the foundation has been checked and the cause of the damage has been determined, as it is structural damage that affects the safety of the building, there is a generic 10 year guarantee period to claim against those responsible; If this is the case, please contact us;

Foundation pathologies in buildings

It should be noted at the outset that foundation problems are often serious; Pathologies originating in the foundation may be due to a project defect when choosing the most appropriate foundation system, (choosing slabs when piles should be designed) not calculating correctly the bearing capacity of the soil, not considering foundation overstressing, not having reached the adequate depth of the piles, or by insufficient knowledge of the terrain (because we find expansive clays, anthropic fillings, collapsible soils) etc… In any case such a pathological foundation must be examined by a specialist in the field;

Depending on the classification of the land on which it is built, the weight of the building, the distribution of loads etc..; A type of foundation, called superficial, can be designed, consisting of footings, i.e. large rectangular blocks of reinforced concrete on which the pillars rest, which can be tied or braced; Or even through a reinforced slab, which is a large but continuous reinforced concrete block, which occupies the entire surface where the building is to be erected, and is used when ground conditions are more unfavourable;

On the other hand, another type of foundation is the so-called deep foundation, by means of isolated piles, grouped piles, micropiles, etc., which must be executed at the appropriate depth and level established by the geotechnical study. If these considerations are not taken into account, there will inevitably be a foundation problem;



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