Claiming problems in swimming pools

Experts in claims for construction defects in swimming pools
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Types of Constructive Damage in Swimming Pools


Construction problems in the swimming pool of the community/detached house can be serious: loss of water due to breakage, cracks, fissures, inclination or lowering of the pool due to differential settlement; If you have any of these problems you should take advice to complain to those responsible;

How to claim swimming pool construction defects

In order to claim for construction defects in the swimming pool, an expert opinion must first be issued; Contact us so that an expert (senior architect) can visit your home and draw up a report with a valuation of the damage to your pool, so that based on this report, and if you are within the deadline, you can sue those who caused the damage due to their malpractice;

Liability of the builder for poor construction of swimming pool

Normally, swimming pools are either built by the construction company or by a subcontracted company specialised in the installation; Either way, one or the other, they incur a contractual liability to the property for the execution of their pool if it has been poorly constructed; In that case, legal action against those responsible is possible; Get advice;

If you have other problems such as bad odors from pipes, humidity, poor acoustic insulation or damage to the facilities, do not delay in seeking advice to claim them. At DPcon we offer you legal advice to claim said damages.





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